Earth Hour

:: Posted by WT | 4:53 PM

This is probably the 1289387164132 blogpost regarding Earth Hour. Not that i care

This is exactly what i felt after offing my lights for one hour.

Well, I did play my part yesterday by turning off all lights from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. And Kuala Lumpur did a better job than last year. Look ma no lights!

I don't know if anyone's with me but I felt that this whole Earth Hour thing is a big fat gimmick. Its not that i can be Captain Planet and save the world by just turning off my lights for one hour. Aren't we already turning off lights at night before we sleep?(for most of us). With all the publicity surrounding this, I reckon money used for publicising this exercise should be put into proper use to save the world. Lights and electricity are damn efficient nowadays, you'd probably pollute more by lighting candles rather than turning off the lights.

For a start, to those who want to help save the world. Use less paper, use non-woven bags instead of plastic bags during shopping, take your own container to tapau, recycle etc. What i notice is, everyone is so hype with this earth hour saving the earth thingamajic and right after 9:30 POOF everything turns back to normal.

Look at these idiots..

BBQ?? More potentially carcinogenic compounds: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amine, carbon monoxide into the air?



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